Going to have my practical viva tmr. Very scared cause those instructions for use dun make sense, I mean I never see those products before my whole life. How to counsel!!!! But in holiday mood le, haven start memorising anything yet. Think will panic attack tonight. X.X
the N peeps are planning to go to have indian VEG dinner after viva. Oh well, that place serves not bad food lah, but then I tot that is rather sad to celebrate end of viva. It is not that i dun like the food, I also got eat veg meals de ar. But I am worried that I will get stomachache after that, my lousy stomach. Sometimes I think I eat too much chicken rice from the staff canteen, I also get stomachache cause maybe too oily. But then again, my stomach can take watever amt of french fried and macdonalds. =.= But its okay, there's always loperamide!
My friend all cant believe I got 4 vivas to go! it is like taking 4 mods in NUS lah!
Looking forward to post-viva to go out and meet those that I miss! Esp those farm friends. =)
I am very happy that char is coming to N soon for attachment heh. Hope CL gets well soon from food poisoning. :)
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